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질문 : When are you open?
답변 :

9AM to 6PM on Weekdays
(We close on Saturday & Korean National Holidays.)

질문 : Can the doctors speak English?
답변 :

Yes. Most of them speak English. Also, our IHC staff will help you when needed.

질문 : How can I refill my prescription?
답변 :

To refill your prescription, you need to see a doctor.
Please let us know the name of your medicine first.
After checking the medicine, we will make an appointment for you.

질문 : What services does IHC provide?
답변 :

When the patients complete the reservation either through telephone or e-mail, the very first step of the procedure ends.
Upon patient’s visit, based on the information received during the appointment, the patient will be seen at the IHC by a physician.
If the patient needs a referral or consultation to a specialist, the patient will be escorted accordingly accompanied by a medical staff from the IHC.
The medical staff will remain in the consultation room in case interpretation is needed. Patients can also receive
assistance during payment and for follow-up appointments.
Payment receipt or doctor’s statement in English is available upon request.

질문 : Can I use my Health Insurance?
답변 :

① Korean National Health Insurance holders
If you hold Korean National Health Insurance either by employee insurance or local insurance, you would be able touse it as Koreans do.

②Foreign insurance holders
We ask you to pay all of the medical charges incurred during your treatment. Some necessary documents, including English receipts can be provided on your request for your claim.

질문 : Can I get a medical second opinion?
답변 :

Though patients should visit hospitals and see doctors in person to get the best medical service, chonnam national university hospital world-renowned physicians and surgeons can offer second opinions to international patients researching treatment options or wishing to reconfirm diagnostic opinion through a review of medical records and test results considering the locations of patients.
Your medical records must be in English and second opinions, either in-person or by review of medical records, may require a fee. Please contact our coordinator for more information.

질문 : Where is International Healthcare Center (IHC) located?
답변 :

IHC is on the 1st floor the building in chonnam national university hospital, which is located in 42 jebong-ro dong-gu Gwangu 501-757, korea tel:+82-(0)62-1899-000

질문 : How do I make an appointment?
답변 :

① Telephone
You can make an appointment by calling International Healthcare Center at +82-1899-0000. A nurse(Coordinator) will request your (1) name; (2) date of birth; (3) contact information; (4) date of appointment; (5) reason for consultation; (6) gender ; (7) alien registration number; and (8) medical insurance information.
During the call, patients may be asked to provide details on their symptoms for more accurate appointment and efficient treatment. It is solely up to the patients to select physicians for specialized optional treatment.

② Website (http://www.cnuh.com/english/)
Reservations can also be made by email or on the website. Information that patients should provide is identical as described above.
※ After working hours, please leave your phone number or visit Emergency room if you need immediate medical help.

질문 : can I select the doctor I want?
답변 :

cnonnam mational university hospital has specialists in certain areas of medicine.
If a doctor that you want is available, we will help you make a reservation to be seen by that doctor at our International Healthcare Center.

질문 : I'm a foreign patient using the International Healthcare Center.
I'd like to receive my receipt that I will use when applying for tax rebate.
How can I recive it?
답변 :

Please call the International Healthcare Center staff at 062-220-6016. They will assist you in obtaining a receipt for your payment.
