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Chonnam National University Hospital selected as the best hospital out of provincial national university hospitals in Korea by Newsweek

Writing out : 관리자 / 2020-03-19 00:00

Chonnam National University Hospital (General Director Lee, Sam-Yong) ranked in the Top 10 Best Hospitals in South Korea selected by global weekly news magazine for 2 consecutive years. 
Out of national university hospitals, it ranked 2nd place followed by Seoul National University Hospital and ranked the highest out of provincial national university hospitals. 
American Newsweek revealed that according to the 'Best Korean Hospital' evaluation survey conducted jointly by Statista, a global market research and consumer data institute in Germany, Chonnam National University Hospital ranked 12th place with 87.1%. 
Details of the survey include ▲ Overall hospital satisfaction ▲ Hospital recommendation ▲ Medical KPI (Key Performance Indicators) related to hospital ▲ Death rate ▲ Patient safety ▲ Re-admission rate. 
As a result of evaluation, Asan Medical Center ranked 1st place with 97.6% followed by Samsung Medical Center in 2nd place (94.2%), Seoul National University Hospital in 3rd place (91.7%), Severance Hospital in 4th place (91.7%) and Seoul National University Bundang Hospital in 5th place (91.4%). 
They were followed by Korea University Anam Hospital in 6th place (88.2%), Seoul St. Mary's Hospital in 7th place (87.8%), Kyung Hee University Hospital in 8th place (87.4%), Kangbuk Samsung Hospital in 9th place (87.3%), Ajou University Hospital in 10th place (87.2%) and Chung-Ang University Hospital in 11th place (87.2%). 
Chonnam National University Hospital ranking 12th place followed by Chung-Ang University Hospital received the highest evaluation followed by Seoul National University Hospital out of national university hospitals and recorded the highest score in provincial national university hospitals. 
With this, Chonnam National University Hospital has once again proven itself to be the best Class-A general hospital as well as global hospital equipped with international competitiveness. 
